Triple Goddess

Triple Goddess

 In Irish mythology, there are three goddesses that are considered to be the patron goddesses of Ireland. These goddesses are Eriu, Banba, and Fola. Eriu, who the land of Ireland is named after, was known as the goddess of sovereignty and was believed to personify the land itself. Banba, on the other hand, was considered to be the goddess of fertility and was often associated with the earth and agriculture. Lastly, Fola was the goddess of prosperity and abundance, ensuring that the land of Ireland would always be fertile and the people would thrive.

Eriu is depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a crown or headdress and sometimes holding a spear which symbolized her power and authority. Banba, also known as Banbha, was worshipped as a divine mother figure and was said to have been the spiritual essence of the Irish people. Her name is thought to derive from the Irish word "bán", meaning "white", which symbolized her purity and fertility. Fola, also known as Fotla, was believed to ensure that the land of Ireland would always be fertile and the people would thrive. Her name is thought to derive from the Irish word "fodla", meaning "good harvest" or "abundance".

In Irish mythology, these goddesses were highly revered and were believed to have immense power and influence over the land and its people. They played a significant role in the lives of the Irish people and were worshipped with great respect and admiration. Today, their legacy lives on in Irish culture and mythology, reminding us of the importance of the land and the natural world in our lives.

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