The Sluagh

The Sluagh

Like ravens 

The Sluagh come

There not welcome by anyone

Even in the other-world there shun 

They are the spirits of evil ones 

Not just for the dying they come

They want the souls of everyone

The innocent and righteous one

To torment like they had done

When they walked in the sun

Now there the unforgiving dead

So keep a candle bright at night

Westerly windows keep tight 

In the darkness they wait

For the chance of a soul to take

Author: Patrick Conlan

The Sluagh, also known as the "Host of the Unforgiven Dead," are malevolent spirits from Irish mythology. They are often described as resembling a flock of ravens and are feared by both the living and the dead. The Sluagh are known for their insatiable desire for human souls and will stop at nothing to obtain them. They are said to target not only the dying, but also the innocent and righteous.

In Irish folklore, it is believed that the Sluagh were once human beings who committed heinous crimes during their lifetime. As punishment, they were cursed to spend eternity as unforgiven dead, forever seeking to take the souls of others. They are said to wait in the darkness, searching for any opportunity to seize a soul and drag it into the otherworld.

To protect oneself from the Sluagh, it is recommended to keep a candle burning brightly at night and to keep westerly windows tightly shut. It is believed that this will deter the spirits from entering one's home and snatching their soul. The Sluagh are a haunting reminder of the consequences of leading a wicked life and serve as a warning to those who would do harm to others.

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