The Vanishing Triangle

 The time of fear
Is growing near
The darkness comes
For his chosen one
Watching and waiting
He’s predator your prey
Lost in the triangle
You are no more
You are forgotten
You were never here
He just moves on
To chose another one
It did go away
Was known by name
But let him go
Now he needs his release
Find more prey
It will never end
Back in the triangle
Hold you’re dearest tight
You never know when
Evils is near

                                                                        (Author: Patrick Conlan) 

The poem describe a predator who selects his prey and waits for the perfect moment to strike. The predator's power comes from the fear he instils in his victims, as they are caught in the triangle and feel helpless to escape. The predator is relentless and will continue to seek out new victims, never-ending the cycle of fear.

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