
Celtic Craft Naas

Is this a dream or is it real
How can i tell which it may be?
O please let this be just a dream
For such a thing should not be seen
Is this what we have done?
Or is this the hell that awaits us
If we don’t cooperate
To save our mother from the greed
The greed from the plague
That is human kind
Like locusts we consume resources
Not listening to warnings she shows us
Storms, floods the ozone layer
Is there anyone left that even cares?
Won’t be long if we don’t change
That catastrophe will be apron us
Global warming, 
Ecosystem collapse
Is it too late?
Our mother cannot sustain us

(Author: Patrick Conlan) 
Celtic Craft Naas

Our Earth, our mother, is suffering from the consequences of our actions, and if we do not act soon, the consequences will be catastrophic. Human greed has caused us to consume resources at a rate that is unsustainable, and we have not been attentive to the warnings our planet has been giving us. Climate change, ecosystem collapse, and the spread of pathogens are all symptoms of the damage we have done.

It is essential that we cooperate to save our planet. We must change our ways and act responsibly towards our environment. Simple actions, such as reducing our carbon footprint, minimizing waste, and conserving energy, can make a significant difference. We must educate ourselves and others on the importance of sustainability and the impact our actions have on the planet.

It is not too late to make a change, but time is running out. We must act now to prevent the catastrophe that awaits us. We have a responsibility to ensure that our planet can sustain us and future generations. It is time for us to listen to our planet and take action to save it.

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